Seasonal drought leads to damage and affects communities

The Community Resource Person of  Rwanda Climate Change and Development Network (RCCDN) in July 2022 identified and visited six different communities and learnt how seasonal drought leads to damage and affects the communities.

This was for the lead farmer representatives located at Kicukiro District in Kagina Sector, Ngoma Cell, Umunyinya village. The main reason for identifying and visiting these communities was to know the challenges they face due to climate change and then give them some advice on how to minimise those challenges. 

Farmers are so challenged by the season and climate change issues

“We found out that there is a problem of seasonal drought leading to damage of the vegetables and crops; lack of enough fertilisers on their land and also during heavy rainfall. There is always a problem of soil erosion washing away the crops and vegetables cultivated,” said Aggrey Rwibasira, the RCCDN Community Resource Person after the visit.

Although these farmers surface the mentioned problems; some have tried to construct dams to access water for use while watering their crops during the dry season and have made some greenhouses to help them store their vegetables from high moisture. 

Farmers tried their level best to get some watering their crops

In conclusion, it was found that if these communities are given support with some types of equipment by helping them to find where they can purchase them from on their own and continue to share with them more pieces of advice. This can eventually contribute to their significant development.

Written with the help of Aggrey Rwibasira