‘We Sleep On It, It Snores On Us!’ RCCDN urges everyone to Protect the Environment  

Earth as in Environment is where we all meet and have mutual interests. As this year’s World Environment Day theme says, ‘We Have Only One Earth, Let’s Take Care Of It’. Rwanda Climate Change and Development Network urges everyone to make efforts in keeping the environment green and clean as well as to make it a better place to live in.

In celebrating this special day of Environment worldwide, OnlyOneEarth See, the Earth is vital, the fight we are fighting is to save our living place, warfare that needs not only me but also everyone’s cooperation and effort. Let’s be the bridges to change from destroying to recovery.

Environment should be protected at all cost

We seem to be unrefined when it comes to the consequences we are facing from flooding to heavy rains and other various weather occurrences and instead, we continuously attribute it to global warming; be it through deforestation which is leading to desertification that might introduce invasive species or even extinction, lack of controlling the amount of carbon footprint we release.

Until when are we going to keep on turning a blind eye to this issue of climate change and pay attention to our environment? We ought to be more gentle in the decisions we make in regards to saving the planet for the children of our children and the children of their children and many more generations to come thereafter.

Earth is the only livable place on the planet

Methane! Methane! Methane! Colourless, Odorless from the decaying of garbage, plants, and animals we are extremely bountiful. Recycle, eat more vegetables, walk, cycle or use public transport, save energy at home when not in use and utilize everything that will be collective and transformative when it comes to protecting and restoring planet earth. We sleep on it, it snores on us.

Doing better is possible and progress impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. Let’s change our minds toward a sustainable environment and take care of the only one earth that we share since it is the only livable planet available.