Day 2 – H.E Paul Kagame officially opened SEforAll Forum in Kigali

The official day to launch the Sustainable Energy for All Forum took place on May 17, at Kigali Convention Center. So many people from around the globe were gathered and H.E, Paul Kagame the President of the Republic of Rwanda opened the occasion officially.

In his opening remarks, H.E Paul Kagame encouraged Africans to work hard especially youth since they are the new generation that will be inherited the leading chairs for the best Africa and the world in the future.

“We are so happy to host you in Rwanda. Today in Africa more than a Billion People have no access to electricity and clean cooking in different places where they reside in Africa and renewable energy is very crucial to the development of sustainable energy. Therefore, we need to plan now to be able to plan Africans’ future and strong energy perceptions need to be managed and this will lead to clean power. We call for coal phase-out,” said H.E Paul Kagame.

Jay’Len Boone, moderated “WE THE INHERITORS”, a Panel Discussion headlined by Hon. Mary Robinson, Honorary President of the AE Foundation & Former President of Ireland, Jeannette Mwendwa Gitoba, Akil Callender and Jitsai Santaputra. It was highlighted that there is some need to be increased in regards to finance to support and deliver increased financial security to farmers.

A panel discussion of the ‘We The Inheritors’

The Word from Young Advisor Activist

There is a need to see actions being done and lots of thoughts on climate change in order to achieve the Africans’ goals as well as solve problems on the surface. Clean cooking is critical to achieving SDG7 yet is so often neglected in decision-making. Lack of access to clean cooking solutions contributes to millions of premature deaths a year.

During this session, there were some awarded certificates to the top first ranking winners of the cooking energy business Growth Fund selected through a competitive process of application, Screening, and Detailed, and Technical Evaluation, due to business plan preparation and pitching. Then, EcoGreen Solution Ltd. was awarded a prize of 2M Rwandan francs.

Discussion on vaccine manufacturing which is set to grow in Africa in the coming years was held and in all, Africans are working to make the sector green right from the outset. Access to energy is everyone’s right as well as scaling finance, equitable transition and clean cooking are of great need.

Damilola Ogunbiyi highlighted the importance of energy resilience and energy security in all places. Africa receives only 4% of global energy investment and had a slogan which says, “We need to stop talking and start doing!”

The Minister of Environment in Rwanda, Jeanne ‘Arc Mujawamariya said, “We need to tackle the triple crisis of energy, climate and development and getting some new partnership and invest to realize the SDG7 by 2030 and the global transition energy. The transition must be just and equitable, this means it should align with Africa’s development priorities and aspirations to ensure no one is left behind.”

Writer: Aggrey Rwibasira