Network members’ calls for streamlined communication

The One-day training workshop of members of the Rwanda Climate Change and Development Network (RCCDN) has called for streamlined communication between members as a catalyst to enhanced networking and strengthening of the organisation.  

The training workshop held this Friday at Hotel Hilltop in Kigali brought together members of RCCDN to equip them with knowledge of how to strengthen their network. The training which is intended for effective advocacy was themed ‘Networking & Alliance Building’ workshop.

Faustin Vuningoma, the Coordinator of RCCDN urged participants to be more active members in the network in order to achieve the intended objectives and goals.

He emphasized effective communication among members as one of the ways for networking to which was recommended to have a monthly virtual meeting bringing together all members to brainstorm and share information.

During the discussions RCCDN’s mission was underlined and participants encouraged to advocate and build capacities for community resilience to climate change and sustainable development.

 “To know, understand and respond to global climate change challenges will help us reach sustainable development,” emphasized Jules Aimable Muhizi, a consultant who facilitated the training. He added that as members of the network working on climate change this should be the end result.

Muhizi explained that climate change has become a global challenge that is mostly affecting the world poorest where most of the network’s beneficiaries fall hence a need to know and explain to them what they face and how they can adapt to its effects.

He hinted on everyone’s role to ensure that the threats to climate change are minimised and this can be achieved through public awareness and educating the masses which is partly the role of the civil society organisations in general and RCCDN’s in particular.

Participants discussed on their network through participation, relationship-building and trust, facilitative leadership, structure and control, diversity and dynamism, decentralization and democracy among other things.

RCCDN as a national member-driven civil society network working on climate change is as well conducting trainings to empower members of the network to acquire knowledge so that they can also communicate a clear message to their community beneficiaries. The capacity building workshop is also intended to strengthen and make the Rwanda Climate Change and Development network stronger as well as the member organisations.

This is among other trainings conducted by RCCDN to empower its members with funding from the Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) through the Public Policy Information, Monitoring and Advocacy (PPIMA) which is a civil society support project aimed at promoting an active interest among Rwandan Civil Society organizations and citizens in Public policy affairs and helping them to self- organize and acquire the skills they need to engage effectively in national and local level processes of policy formulation, implementation and management.