RCCDN Members
- 1. Rwanda Development Organization (RDO)
- 3. Collectif des Artisants et la Reconciliation (CAPR)
- 5. Strive Foundation Rwanda
- 7. Association Rwandaise pour l'Education et le Development Communautaire (AREDEC)
- 9. Initiative pour Promotion de la Famille et du Genre
- 11. Rwanda Rural Rehabilitation Iniatiative (RWARRI)
- 13. Green Cover Initiative (GCI)
- 15. Association for Promotion of Vulnerable (AVP)
- 17. JOC - Rwanda
- 19. Inshuti Organization
- 21. Global initiative for environment & Reconciliation (GER)
- 23. Watoto Vision on Africa
- 25. Rural Environment Organization (REDO)
- 27. ASADEC
- 29. Inades Formation Rwanda
- 31. Huguka
- 33. Sustainable Development and Humanitarian Action (SDHA)
- 35. REASON
- 37. Rwanda Religion Leaders Forum (RRLF)
- 39. Umuryango wo Gushyigikira Amakoperative (UGAMA)
- 41. Center for Sustainable Development (CSD)
- 43. Association Rwandaise de Travailleurs Chretiens Feminins (ARTCF)
- 45. Vi-Agroforestry
- 47. Union des Cooperatives Agricoles Integrees (UNICOPAGI)
- 49. Association pour le Developpment de Nyabimata (ADENYA)
- 51. Sustainable Development Human Right and Reconciliation (SDHR)
- 55. Benimpuhwe Association
- 57. Mission of Hope
- 59. Advocacy to Disaster Risk Reduction and Environmental Sustainability (ADRRES)
- 61. Red Rocks Initiative
- 2. The Future In Our Minds (FIOM - Rwanda)
- 4. Benishyaka
- 6. Together for Sustainable Development Organization (TSDO)
- 8. CARITAS - Gikongoro
- 10 Bureau d'Appui aux Initiatives Rural (BAIR)
- 12. Union de Solidarite d'Aide au Development Communautaire (USADEC)
- 14. Rwanda Environmental Conservation organization (RECOR)
- 16. Urumuri rw'urukundo
- 18. Child First Initiative (CFI)
- 20. Iniative pour la Promotion de la Famille et du Genre (IPFG)
- 22. Association pour le Development et la Transformation Sociale (ADTS)
- 24. Safer - Rwanda
- 26. Health Development Initiative (HDI)
- 28. Compagnon Fontainiers du Rwanda (COFORWA)
- 30. Association de la Jeunesse en Matiere Agricole et Culturelle (AJEMAC)
- 32. ARECO - Rwanda nziza
- 34. Pelum - Rwanda
- 36. Association pour la Conservation de la Nature au Rwanda (ACNR)
- 38. Center for Economic and Policy Priorities (CEPP)
- 40. New Down for Community Development (NEDCOD - Rwanda)
- 42. Action for Socio-Economic Development and Sustainability (ASED)
- 44. Health and Environment Protection Initiatives (HEPI)
- 46. Association for Research and assistance Mission for Africa
- 48. Rwanda Organization for Developpment Initiative (RODI)
- 50. Association Rwandaise pour la Promotion de Developpement Integre (ARDI)
- 52. Center for Research, Education and Development Initiatives (CREDI)
- 54. Governance for Africa (GFA)
- 56. Seruka
- 58. Duterimbere Asbl
- 60. Young Volunteers for Environment (YVE)